The Knitting Journeyman

Gathering Up One Thread At A Time As I Weave This Web Of Mine.....

Monday, February 22, 2010

Local Yarn Drool

I learned to knit in, I think, 2006. Maybe it was late 2005. I forget now. One local yarn shop here that I have always wanted to go to, but never quite made it to, was The Weaving Department at Myers House at 180 W Dunn Rd in Florissant. When we moved here to Florissant, R did try to take us, as he knew I’d wanted to go for so long. They close at 4:30p though—which is rough, since he gets off between 4 and 4:30. When E and I had the minivan when we were moving, I had intended to go there during one of the errand runs in the middle of the day—but we never made it. Then, the other day, I had to run out to get something for R, when it hit me: it was early enough…we had time…and, well, it’s an “event” for me to go…so I could buy yarn, for a particular project, if I had to…well…you know…there…in this huge store….so..we went…and oh boy, talk about falling in love…

I forget the exact name of the gorgeous quilt store on the first floor, little hen house quilting, something along those lines. Talk about fabric heaven though. That was an unexpected find—and a wonderful one as well. The yarn shop is upstairs. You can smell it. Even though they have real felted wool downstairs, bolts of woven wool felt for sale…even needle felting supplies, which is what I saw when first I walked in the door, the smell of sheep, of yarn, wafts down from the upstairs, where the fiber enthusiast in me simply wept. It is beautiful. Displays of all sorts of yarns, from Noro to Dale of Norway to brown sheep to cascade to …oh my…so many pretty pretty yarns, in every conceivable color and texture and fiber. They have a plethora of books. They have incredibly helpful people there. My 8yo was fascinated by the lady giving another lady instruction as to how to use the weaving loom in the middle of the one room. They have buttons and knitting needles…and we very nearly bought the wooden crochet hook with the carved owl on the top. They have bags and baskets and all sorts of gadgets. Heavenly. Heavenly. I bought three skeins of yarn and two books.

Noro kureyon sock yarn—which I have wanted to try for awhile—even though I do not plan to make socks with it. One skein of ‘earth’. Boy, was it difficult to narrow down my purchase that day. I had not realized that Dale of Norway was so …affordable…oh man, the plans I have now…
I bought two skeins of Ironstone Yarns bouquet of colors brushed mohair in wisteria. This gorgeous stuff was hand-dyed in Scotland—which I figured would be a major selling point when I brought it home—especially since my boyfriend is well acquainted w my yarn stash and concurs w the no buying of yarn policy I currently have in place—even though he shakes his head when I proclaim ‘it’s for a specific project!’ This time, the mohair is for a shawl that I am planning to wear to the production of Avenue Q when we go…at least, that’s the theory I put forth to R when I showed him the yarn. I am making a very simple stockinette stitch shawl on large needles. The yarn is too pretty to mess w complicated stitch patterns. This is a prime case of letting the yarn do all the work.

I also had to buy two books while I was there. Ok, so I only *had* to buy one book…but figured why not on the second one.

The second one is ‘Knitting Tips and Trade Secrets’ by The Taunton Press. ‘Clever solutions for better hand knitting, machine knitting and crocheting’. So, how could that be a bad thing?

The first, and the most magnificent book, and one I absolutely had to have, even though I had asked about Scottish knitting books (hey, I do know how to suck up to my man here) –and remain unimpressed by the books I saw, the patterns within them—not any slur on the books or the people selling me said books—it just was not my cup of tea…is ‘Maggie’s Ireland’ by Maggie Jackson.
It is more than a pattern book—it is a coffee table book, with incredible pictures of Ireland. It has amazingly interesting patterns, simple patterns and simple yarns, used in interesting ways. Now, these patterns are not for everyone. In fact, there were only two that *really* revved my engines…and the others I really like, but when I make them, I plan to alter many facets of them. There are even recipes in the back, from appetizer to dessert. I honestly don’t know what to ooh and ahh about first. The patterns are not for everyone, I will admit, but the photographs…they blow me away. Although the patterns do seem to be both well-though out and simple enough for anyone to make. I like that.

When I bought ‘Wedding Knits’ by Suss Cousins, whom I adore, I saw that wedding dress—and I completely CRINGED at a US 5 needle to do the knitting. I have not gone pattern by pattern in ‘Maggie’s Ireland’—but I looked at enough of the patterns, ranging from a US 7 to a US 9 on the dresses and skirts I like—and I am not at all intimidated. Yes, I saw an outfit in this book that I thought—yes, wedding. Yes, MY wedding. Oh yeah. Despite the fact that I already have the dress—and that R actually loves the dress. That doesn’t mean I can’t knit things for the rest of the …day…party…week-end. After watching ‘The Hangover’ together—we still think Vegas would be terrific for a wedding! Although I still have that urge to invite all our ex’s to the wedding, just to show that there really no hard feelings on any of our parts.

Well… the wedding may not be this year…but probably will be the year after, by which time maybe even R’s ex will have, I don’t know, grown a brain and gotten over herself, maybe then inviting all the ex’s will be possible.
But I still like the Vegas idea—even if my daughter doesn’t. She already has the wedding planned—and she wants us to have a HUGE wedding. She is not amused when I say we’re going to Vegas to have Elvis marry us…she does not think I am very funny…but I sure do!