And, yes, it took me, what, two weeks to post it here?
I had no real clue until tonight how much of an influence Hybrid J has had on me....sitting crossed legged on the floor of barnes & noble, going through the writers and writing books. I came across a book titled 'A Writer's Space' by Eric Maisel--and my first thought was, wow, I bet Hybrid J would love this one. It'll kick both our butts. :-)
Going through everything these past few weeks, Hybrid J is one of the few blogs I would drag myself around to the computer to check out what was going on on her blog. :-)
Here is the award she gave me, this time. I am very proud of this one.
Here, I shall cut and paste and change one name --so this will say exactly what it says on J's blog as well...simply because, well, it's been a long dd is sick, like throwing up sick, and I am waiting for my phone to ring...waiting for a client I adore...
so, without further bit of thieving (and laziness) for the day...
Hybrid J passed this award to me as a token of my diligent in pursuing my writing as well as knowing when to slow down for recharge. I was very moved by her generosity and her sensitive understanding that we all needed encouragement along our creative journey. And what more encouraging than an award for trying hard!
I have to say, I think this is my first writing award as well.
It took me too long to decide to call myself Writer...and after deciding I can and should do it...I added Artist as well....
It's nice to be known...and recognized.
Give me a little bit to regain my whatever here and I shall pass this lovely award along to others....
THANK YOU, Hybrid J, my friend!