Oh, the comments I have...
So, I was awakened this morning...some creepy little nose-picking kid (you have to be here to see why I harp on that some days...really) woke me up way too early....then the dog had to go out...and the neighbors scare her (not that I blame her) .... and the Muse started to whisper, with a cudgel, in my ear...actually when I finally crashed at 4am this morning, the Muse was still talking to me. I kept telling her if it was that important, she should hang on to it, verbatim, until morning. I should have said until I was awake and cognizant..but hey...she woke up me, with the first paragraph still intact from the morning before :-) ...and I of course had to sit down and write it...
I wrote 2206 words this morning. My official nano word count is :
with the drum roll in the background....
50563 words
Which means, like, I'm done writing the novel, right?
No. Not at all actually. :-) It means I am done trying to win the NaNoWriMo contest...because I hit the 50000 word marker.
Not counting rewrites and editing, I still have a lot of writing to do. This is not your little 50000 word novel, not by a long shot. Despite the fact that during rewrites, most of what I have now is going to hit the use it later in another story bin, I still have a good bit of writing into this version of the novel. And I haven't really done anything more than get the ball rolling...unless I plan to write gobs of chapter books about these characters...which, ya know, could happen, should I develop a following for them...but I don't know...that's far too much for me to think about right this second...
I think I want to get the story basics down and out first before I start carving it up with the editing knife.
No way is this going to fit into any romance genre. No way it touches the paranormal aspect I had so wanted to include. It's raw and it's gritty, in a calm and weird way. There are too many other things, too many other aspects, I have yet to even touch upon yet.
I am loving it too.
This was only the morning writing run too. R has plans for this evening so I won't be camped out in his arms on his couch tonight...I will be slaving away at my computer--after removing the popcorn that grows like tribbles all over the house on the weekends when N is here. :-)
I want my cookie now, see. I hit the 50000 word mark. I want my cookie. I deserve it. lol
Actually, I think I want a nice meal, with some sort of apple--or peach--cobbler, with a nice thick rich coffee for dessert....
Imagine what I will want once I actually finish the novel....not just the contest....
Ok--I'll get back to you in a few....