The Knitting Journeyman

Gathering Up One Thread At A Time As I Weave This Web Of Mine.....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Re-Earning That Procrastination Merit Badge For NaNo

Yep.  it's Tuesday.  It's windy and just a touch chilly here today, but I have all the windows open--or at least all the windows I's a toss up--do I enjoy some 'fresh air' and get things moving in the house or do I endure the ravages of the ahem people in the neighborhood setting their leaves on fire (some of them set fire to leaves right up against their house--seriously--some in the road, not right in the middle of the road, but close, and sometimes, they light leaves aflame on really windy days like today and I marvel that no house has yet burnt to the ground, not that I know of anyway--it is not for lack of trying from the people around here, seriously...nope..apparently you do not need a permit to burn your leaves 'round here--when we came back from R's last night I swear the clouds of smoke from burning leaves resembled the Mist from Stephen King's famed novella ...or short story...or however you want to categorize it...I was only half-joking about being worried this house would still be standing when we got here...if the creeps behind us don't do it damage, then surely the winds would fan flames and set the roof aflame....yet...knock on wood...we all be safe....)...I decided to chance it and open the windows...until E starts to complain she's freezing to death anyway...

No.  I did not write for Nano on Satruday or Sunday or Monday.  I didn't expect to write much w N here anyway... We had SUCH a great time Sunday...we took N out to eat, to play, then to a playground--we wore that little stinker out and then dropped him off at his dad's when we were done...
Then it was just we three, R, E and me.  We went bowling.  R had a tournament he participated in to help raise money for a little girl whose father had recently died.  E and I watched--it's the first time E had ever been to a bowling alley.  The ex had taken me 2-3 times before we got married.  When I left, I had three bowling balls in my possession--all of which went to goodwill.  The man had a fit trying to find me bowling shoes after the last time he took me bowling--and once he bought them for me and everything,  he never again took me bowling ever...apparently I am not competitive enough--and/or I don't do things his way...hey--I'm the Red Queen here--The Red Bull has to stay in his own world (keep up--we went from Alice in Wonderland to the Last Unicorn  there :-) )...and I always wanted to bowl just to enjoy myself and to have fun--that was never allowed w T--you had to win...not enjoy I guess that's why he never took me again.  E and I met some really nice people--and finally got to put some faces to the people we've been hearing so much about for months and months.

After R was done w the tournament...we stayed so E could bowl a couple games, since she was so excited.  First lesson we learned, E must bring socks w her at all times.  Her shoes would have been more comfy had she had socks.  BUT--she had a BLAST.  She is adamant we buy her her own six pound ball, right now.  I found out the same thing I found out last time I bowled--I shouldn't use my thumb because the nail gets torn from the bed every time I toss the ball using finger in the holes grip--and I really need a wrist guard if I am going to bowl, even if I do use a two handed throw--and I do use a two handed throw--and by some margin known only to God Above, I can get a strike here--whereas w T the fact I did not do it his way was a great blasphemy.  Great, I ain't.  But having fun--oh boy--yes.  E was just overjoyed by the whole process.  She's hooked--and darn near demanding we do it every week now.  Which works for me.  It's the every day thing I keep eyeballing her about.  She would gladly go every single day.

R is kinda happy.  Other than shooting chickens--or maybe it's turkeys, he found something I will play w on the wii--I am not a game person.  I can go on and on about my dislike of things like that...but if wii bowling will help me figure out the best way to throw a bowling ball...I am willing to try.

I know.  I am kind of a pain.  I don't play games, like on facebook, because I don't see the purpose to it.  I will spend hours roaming through news articles online--but playing a 'video'  game makes no sense to me.  I would rather knit.  Or read.  Or both at this point.  Other than board games, all I play is solitaire...and my computer ate my solitaire game and I haven't cared enough to go find another one...hey...the computer did decide to give me back my calculator function for some reason...maybe solitaire will return at some point as well...ya never know...

So, I started this post for the Next Chapter chapter from last week..Play....

Snarf...I am still 'playing' w that chapter as well...but how 'bout I share a couple playful moments?

R and I taking N and E to the dreaded McDonald's (McRib sandwiches are back for a while ... not that I eat them, but that's why we went...) and we have to go to McDonald's w a play ground--or else we get into big trouble with two very small obstinate grumper children.  :-)

Now, the playground.  I hate enclosed spaces.  I didn't play on those things when I was a kid.  It took me a LONG time to stop hyperventilating once the kids started to play on these things as they got old enough to do so.  N has my reticence about enclosed spaces, but he will go where his sister will go, if we give him enough time to work up to it.   R and the kids did get me up into that thing, and N pretty much refused to let me out once I was there--the one we went to had a great window bubble against the outside window so we could look outside and watch the trees and traffic and whatever...N liked was 'the spot'  ...
Now--we were the only ones there that evening...imagine all four of us up inside that darn thing, all was hysterical and fun...and I even went down the slide twice...not an easy thing for me...although the second time R went in head first after I started down and I pretty much dragged him all the way

Play.  Some days I idea of playing is spending hours working on a prototype design for some shawl/scarf thing I saw while trolling etsy and thought I could do myself...getting almost to the end of the first ball of yarn ...and deciding I like it better a different way and frogging the whole thing back to square one....
I do that a lot.

Play.  Chasing the dog all over the house and tossing her the ball to see 1 if she can catch it and/or 2 if she'll go get it and bring it back....

Play.  Singing in the shower and making shapes w my hair when shampooing--like horns and such, like I used to do to the kids when they were smaller...and sometimes still do if E lets me help wash her hair...or when we color E's hair...

Play.  Does sitting on the floor staring at the fish and talking to them count as play?

Play.  Does mud count in the clay realm?  Clay.  I do w it what I do with yarn.  I play and play and play--then wad it up and stick it back in the container, having nothing to show for the time spent...

Play.  Avoiding my work...and reading about dowsers and other very interesting and well-written things....

Play.  Wrestling w R.  It's fun.  I don't win...I get in good shots...but I don't win.  He usually doesn't win either.  It's usually a draw.  But the whole thing is fun.  It's even more fun when the kids get involved too...although then we are all getting bruises because the kids hit way harder than they think they do....

Play...this one is all me....I distrust a great many things about's the conspiracy theorist in me...I downloaded all the album cover art I could find for my itunes account last night--and hooked it into my ipod...hey--it's a big deal for me.  :-)  Especially some of the strange stuff I listen to....
So, I uploaded some new stuff.  E loves Lady Gaga--the long blonde wig is what E really adores, so I had to get Gaga for her.  Although E likes the music too.  And then spent the evening after putting the kids to bed dancing around my kitchen and living room...and loving every second of it...if the kids weren't in bed, I'd have been singing out loud--until someone told me to be quiet...because I can belt things out too (E is really bad about belting things out in her pseudo-opera voice :-) ) ... usually I sing along under my breath...ipod or not....

Hehehe...I bought some holiday gifts already...and I decided to buy myself some new music as well..not alot...but a little.  I had to get Lady Gaga for E--so I figured I deserved something for myself...E and I had spent a couple hours browsing online the other day, watching different music videos...I am developing a weird thing for Britney's music...the whole I know I'm screwed up, take me as I am anyway and screw you thing...I get that--and I like that...
Scary as it is...

Britney antecedent--
the x always used to tell me how nuts I was/am--he claimed --well--a lot of things....most of which I said about him as well--so I guess that makes us even--
in a conversation w him, I once said something about not being as bad as things w Britney, somehow compared myself w/to Britney (during her divorce/custody battle/break down) --and the man actually came back, fiercely, and told me I shouldn't compare myself to Britney--as I wasn't all that bad...
some days that still shocks me--that a man who spent so much time building me up as this absolutely insane moron would tell me not to compare myself to someone who seemed to be acting completely insane...
somewhere in there that man does have a strange and decent's just too much effort to fight to find it...and it's better off simply catches glimpses of it here and there and not fighting for anything else while going along my merry way...

I got to play this weekend.  I got to go down a regular slide (wearing boots no less as I had not expected to go to the rocket park playground) and I got to swing--where I learned that I have a long long long way to go to recover from the accident last year in ways that have nothing at all to do w driving or being on the road at all...

We watched 'Race To Witch Mountain' (with The Rock) last night.  As a movie, it's pretty good.  As part of the whole 'Witch Mountain' thing from the 70s, 'Escape to Witch Mountain' and 'Return from Witch Mountain' doesn't really have anything to do with anything else....but then again...I don't ever remember seeing 'Return From Witch Mountain' as a kid ... and I fail to see the whole point of the movie as a sequel to see what the second movie had to do with the first, except that it used the same two, in that vein, 'Race' is as integral as 'Return' in, Witch Mountain is the only real constant, other than the kids being from another world and having 'powers'....

I liked this session, this's not a sequel or a prequel...just another sort of floating along in the same vein....
Of course, it has The Rock in it, so I was on board regardless.
I like the premise of the movie.  I can see a lot of things that the conspiracy theorist in me like to keep an eye on, saying ayuh, as if....
but overall, pretty cool....

I do like the way Harlan (I think that's his name)  got involved and 'helped'....and how the 'geek' sci fi community reacted, came together, reached out....
says the woman who owns 'Communion', who has listened to way to many things, dealt w way too many things...who keeps her mouth shut about a grand number of things...and still cannot read 'Communion', who hasn't been able to read anything by Whitley Streiber except 'The Last Vampire' since Whitley's abductions...and who will continue to not say why...for a long long time.

But it does make a very interesting must admit...

And with that, I am going to go doodle for a bit before hunkering down and picking up where I left off for my nano writing....

Last count as of Saturday: 30277 words--and I am fighting the whole let's write by hand mode at the moment--simply because I can't stuff it into the word counter at the end of a session and say see what I did!
I'm such a procrastinating pain in the a*se, I have been looking at voice recognition/transcription programs!

And now--I am OFF....
w my cajun music in the background, French lyrics dripping all over like the heat of the swamp in mid-summer--gotta love it...