The Knitting Journeyman

Gathering Up One Thread At A Time As I Weave This Web Of Mine.....

Monday, November 2, 2009

A Simple Woman's Day Book

Outside my window... lovely, slightly chill, but not cold--there are colorful leaves everywhere--and the squirrel ate the last of our tiny little tomatoes...

I am thinking... today is going to be a very busy day...we are now officially preparing to move (no, no word on the offer on the house yet today)...I have several things to do today for the business...I have NaNo writing to do and I have that story line bopping around in my many many things today...

I am thankful for... today of all days, after the week-end we had together, I am more than thankful for R and for having him in my life, no matter how terrible he thinks he may be for us or vice versa...I love the man and everything else pales in comparison...

I am wearing... my fave slouchy pair of jeans w all the holes and patches and everything else, my dog training AR sweatshirt, also falling to pieces...

I am remembering... how very much I must accomplish in a very short period of time

I am going... to be working my tushie off today on a variety of fronts...and I welcome that busy-ness

I am reading... What am I reading?  I haven't actually finished reading anything else, but I am re-beginning reading 'A Writer's Space' by Eric Maisel, what with the coming move and everything else

I am hoping... that the offer on the house goes through smoothly, that the house inspection goes smoothly, that the packing goes smoothly, that the moving goes smoothly, that I can get things settled enough before the December holidays to make the kids feel safe and welcome and loved 

On my mind... how my fears around driving are hampering things right now, how we are going to manage the move if I turn out to be unable to drive at all, how to manage the move and everything else that goes on, the possibility of driving a rental truck on the week-end w both children in the truck w me--although on a week-end I know R will be driving and not me...but the worry is still solid there...

From the learning rooms...  patience is a virtue... we are trying to find some space, as a family entity (meaning R and me together), to deal w E and her...stubbornness and her unwillingness to communicate--she will communicate--but sometimes it takes so much to get there....

Noticing that... when the time comes, the energy and the desire to get up and do something is strong within me and I am not pushing it to the background--I am actually DOING things

From the kitchen... we made ratatouille for All Hallow's Eve Ancestor Meal...I was very impressed with how well it turned out, especially since it's the first time I ever made  I was thinking a simple pumpkin broth alphabet soup for E and me....but there are also pumpkins to bake today and to turn into pies or maybe just the custard...

Around the house... things are certainly jumping--I have already been up cleaning and sorting...we put the trash at the curb for pick up before bed last night--and this morning I added another bag to it--laundry is spinning--floors ahve been swept--the bathroom cleaned--all clocks have fresh batteries and are ticking away (my Chinese face clock in the bathroom, the battery died this spring and I never touched it...until this's good to hear it ticking again--I didn't realize how much I had missed it....)

One of my favorite things... the sales after Halloween...with the little Goth chick so much of what we buy during the October season is used year round...and I love watching E pick new things out for the next year on top of what she plans to use during the year...

From my picture journal...

This was taken right outside our front door--boy--it really has been a long time since i downloaded the pictures off my camera, huh?  This was early October, if I remember correctly...