The Knitting Journeyman

Gathering Up One Thread At A Time As I Weave This Web Of Mine.....

Monday, November 2, 2009

Full Frost Moon Dreamboard

Now, I did not forget about the Full Moon.  I have been doing work with several people this month that requires both Halloween's energy and the Full Moon energy.  I have been waiting for this Full Moon for weeks now for a variety of reasons.

It did, however, completely slip my mind that I planned to make a collage for this dreamboard...
In my haste to be cleaning and purging prior to the coming move, I tossed out all the magazines I had stashed--they were picked up this morning...I figured I had collected them once--I could collect them again...they were not the 'important' I am saving them for the articles and/or the patterns magazines...just magazines kept for their value as collage fodder.  And I already have several folders full of imagery for that--somewhere around well as having started plenty of collages recently (my Hestia art journal most notably comes to mind) where I have glued things in and haven't done more than that with them yet...

This Autumn Harvest came upon me very quickly.  Too many other things keep?  kept?  clouding up my visions and desires and directions...I have kept up my former full moon dream boards and I know they are still working for me...not to mention, my Vision is Clearing again...

I have been having so many weird things go on w my relationship w R--this is a man I have known and trusted for 9 years now--dating him should not have changed so very much between us--but it has--not in bad ways--in very good ways--but it has changed me as well--not just the relationship--but my entire life this past year--I am far more open and vulnerable.  And where it comes to him, even more vulnerable yet again.  I am extremely protective of my deep core friends--I am protective of everyone, but there is a visible difference at times w some people--I am almost ready to see if we can drive to WV for one friend to deliver him something for his wife.  When it comes to R, it is so much more than that...I hate feeling like I am 17 yrs old and feeling so lost and discombobulated in ways I NEVER felt when I was younger...but R does that to me...

I diverge from task here--let's get back on track....

Jamie asks:

What do you want to bring to life in this final part of the year? Is it time to breathe some fresh energy into your 2009 goals and intentions? Is it time for completion and clearing? Are you already starting to cast forward into 2010? What will you dream of under the Full Frost Moon?

To answer Jamie's questions:
This is the Celtic New Year.  Samhain.  I celebrate the Feast of the Ancestors.  I have tenuous ties to All Saints Day and All Souls Day.  I even co-opt The Day of the Dead in ways, simply because it honors those who have passed on before us.

I have noticed lately, more-so than usual, that this is my time of Beginnings, this time of year.  I am in Nesting phase, yes, but this is when I hunker down and start gestating new ideas.  As I gestate, things begin to happen with me.  With most people, summer is their time to shine and put forth gobs of energy.  Winter is when they hibernate.  
Not me.  Come Winter, I am full of life and energy and ideas.  Never one to sit idle; hence all the knitting and crocheting this time of year too.  This is when all the good stuff comes to me.  As if this is when everyone else has fewer demands, and makes fewer demands of me, and I can express myself more.  I am a Winter Person.  Well, truly, I am an Autumn person, but the snow makes me happy.  Very happy.  (No, in case you're wondering, I do not ski.  Thanks anyway.)

Look.  We are buying a house.  It is strange to say, we are buying houses (yes, plural--this is just the first one) so that we can have more potential to buy an even bigger house where we can all live together.  Sounds strange to say, but, yes, the kids and I are moving to be closer to R while R and I are working the real estate investment angle in order to buy ourselves a much larger house together than we could afford right now...but it's true.  If we wait that one year, we can get a much bigger house than we think we can, and there won't be any of the worry or hassles the way there is now, and we will both be much much happier with the bigger house than if we settled right now.  Plus, we really do need to be that much closer physically right now.  Our house is 1/4 of a mile from his.  There is going to be no real line of distinction between houses after the move. (All that means is it doesn't matter where we sleep, as we'll have access to both houses pretty much at the same time, versus the 30 min drive between us now--which makes his staying here more difficult...due to his dogs, work, etc)   Especially not with all the room about to open up with our (as in the kids and me) house--

What that means is I will have room to spread out and have fabric piled up all over the place while I work on sewing clothes for the kids, clothes for myself, bags for others, and all the other things I do...and I can set my serger up and go to town with it.

What this means is I can set up the dryer table--and have soaps drying and candles curing. 
I have room for canning jars...and the canner to can them now.  

I have a yard where groups of kids do not troop uncaring through/on/over things--where I can plant a garden--where I can actually build the garden I have in my head....

See--one small step and big things happen...

When I bought this current house, I knew I wouldn't be able to do as much--I knew to get here fast I had to give in on a few things, which would delay a few other things...but I also knew that by accepting the delay, things would be much better on the other side...and they are...

So, this month is about expanding and enlarging my dreams....building our Home...building our Family....building the Family business....building my own business....building my own strengths...building our strengths as a family...letting ideas run rampant and free without fetter....

Not to mention, this month is all about NaNoWriMo as well...and about finishing my novel's draft--a really cruddy, really rough draft...but starting (which I did) and finishing the entire process...before moving into editing and polishing and yada yada yada ... one step at a time....

Allowing one process full reign opens so many other processes at the same time...everything is interconnected and interwoven....and my heart is

As I create on the page, as I toss out all the stuff I have no desire to move, as I make plans for the way the new house will look--be it furniture or paint or removing wallpaper or anything I try new recipes and start walking a Path I have tread the edges of for so long and am now ready to pursue more I slowly enter into my own, as I take up my own flag and my own I join and strengthen our family unity and I soar to ever greater heights...this is my month's dream....

There are so many places to go...and none of them must be reached all at the same time...patience truly is a virtue....

Blessings to all.