The Knitting Journeyman

Gathering Up One Thread At A Time As I Weave This Web Of Mine.....

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Daring To Wish Today

I so love Jamie Ridler.  She is a master Intuitive.  She just KNOWS what question to ask every week.
This week's Wishcasting Wednesday question made me laugh when it dawned on me that today is Wednesday and I ought to go right that moment to Jamie's blog, some vague time in the afternoon....

Here's the question for this week:

What do you wish to dare?

First of all, you should know that as of last night, I was really involved in the knitting spree mentality...and I dare to desire to finish off these socks--and to make my son is Captain America sweater!
This morning, I proved my love for my significant other.  I did not cast on once.  Not twice.  Not even three times.  This is the fourth and final cast on that I am currently working on--and at this moment taking a break from--and I honestly do not think my poor little 3US bamboo double point needles can stand another go round like we've had since this morning when I got up.  I even switched to a different skein of yarn, same colorway and same brand, just different skein, in case that would help things along--for the record--it really did.  

Now, I have spent oodles of money on sock knitting books and sock yarn recently.  I have perused and studied and pondered.  I have scoured ravelry for hours and hours on end.  I cannot find the pattern --the exact pattern-- that I am looking for.  Of course.  I have a DK weight yarn.  I have size 3US needles.  I have other yarn, yes.  I have other needles, yes.  But for this first pair of socks, I want to use DK wight yarn and size 3 US needles.  The rest I will work on later, after this initial pair of socks.  What does this mean?

It means that not only am I daring to knit socks in the first place--I am doing so by combining about seven different patterns in order to achieve what I want to achieve.  And I am taking as detailed notes as I possibly can--since i am only working one sock at a time--and because if this turns out right, it's going to be my own basic pattern for socks for R.  Once I get the prototype practice version down, I can extrapolate for smaller needles and thinner yarn.

However, as of this morning, I can do the Turkish cast on in my sleep, after drinking an entire bottle of tequila on my own...
I frogged my work three times.  That says nothing about how many times I cast on and ripped it out because I didn't like it, it wasn't tight enough, yada yada yada.

Once I was done giggling about the socks, it dawned on me...this entire frakkin' month of November is all about DARE for em.
I am daring to actually write a bloody novel...the entire crummy thing.  Ok, so it's a draft.  It's a pain in my backside.  But I am loving it.
Right this moment, my word counter is at: 33385 words.
Yes, I am knitting because I am trying to keep myself from hand-writing things.  I can't input the hand-written stuff into the word counter.  Yes, I am being silly and obnoxious.  Have you been keeping up with me--that sort of does describe me pretty well most days.  ;-)
Worse thing is, when i woke up this morning, after last week's, hey, let's not go this way, let's go that way scenario where my novel decided it didn't want to go the way I wanted it to go--I had another novel news flash.

My  Muse needs to be smacked--HARD.  Yeah yeah yeah.  I have the paddle in mind to smack her with too.  R will know which one I am talking about.  But--do I go with the one that leaves the word b**ch imprinted on her backside...or the one that leaves the heart imprinted on her backside....decisions decisions...darned Muse.
First of all, my main character and I go way way back, like more than twenty years at this point.  I have a file cabinet full of poetry and short stories and all sorts of folders and binders full of notes for and about her.  I have a main line story in my head.  Only the periphery stuff has changed over the years.
No.  Not good enough for my Muse.  She can't deal with this.  She seems to thrive on blowing my plans out of the water  and creating this amazing but irritating chaos all around her.  Yeah-I know--sounds familiar.  That's what I do for people.  Kinda sucks to have it thrown back at me, but usually it's a good thing.  
Except when I am in a competition and I am supposed to start and finish a rough draft in thirty days or less.  
And the b**ch wakes me up this morning and says, hey, did you know you were really writing two novels in one? 
Duh.  I knew that already.  That was the whole premise.  The whole two worlds colliding scenario.  
I am still pissy enough about the extra main character that cropped up out of nowhere and usurped my male leads' roles somehow...
Well, since we are writing two novels in one, we can either focus on the one intensely, or focus on the other intensely.  She proceeds to take me up and down the length and breadth of both worlds.  Neither of which did I really want to do, not in this draft, nor i this particular novel.  
Since that didn't do it for me, she lead me down another path.  Somehow she not only broke the novel into two different novels again, but she altered the focus of both as well, and threw in all this stuff I just do not want.  Which is technically a third and completely different novel all together.  
My main character has the potential to be a serial character.  Her story is weird enough to carry through all sorts of measures.
That's not my point nor is it my goal with this novel.  

I would dare my Muse to shut her mouth--but she might actually take me seriously.  Then where would I be?  A Museless creative creature who has migraines and whose boyfriend currently lives too far away to use him shamelessly to get rid of the migraine before it blows up and becomes the whole hide in the closet and try not to sob because it hurts more if I do migraine.  

My one other dare, which has to do more with R than with me, is I dare to believe that we are going to close on this house before December arrives.  There was a glitch with the financing.  Not on our side.  But that doesn't stop the delay.  I am betting we can find the necessary assistance to close this house in eight days.  I believe that.
And if we don't?  Then we still close in early December anyway.  we're all still good.

So, like, here I am, like, at the bottom of this post, like, with no other avenue to explore....
sorry--some days, that just comes out in me now and then.

What's my wish for the day?

I don't really have a specific wish.

I guess I wish to just keep daring myself and to keep accepting and meeting those dares.