So, you know I am working (or have been working--it's on the night stand waiting for me right now...) on my own wedding shawl....test knitting a pattern I designed myself...and when I started it I was ASTOUNDED by how much re-writing needed to be done w it...but still.....
I sent my mother four blank kilt pins to play w for the wedding attire...since I spent literally days combing etsy for something just right and unable to find anything...and my mother nailed it all exactly w her pins...they arrived last week...I am more than happy...and not just because they are pretty or because my mother is so talented (she really truly is....), but I am thrilled that my mother made these for me...I don't have alot from my mom...and I know when we get married she won't be able to travel to the wedding....
I don't think any of my family will be able to come to the wedding...even if I want them to come...because they all live on the East Coast and we live in the's rather depressing, because if I thought they would come, I'd be alot more open to inviting everyone and planning a larger fete for everyone to enjoy....
These are the pins...aren't they terrific?
They all go together...and yet each one is just a little different....
My mother is a wonder....