The Knitting Journeyman

Gathering Up One Thread At A Time As I Weave This Web Of Mine.....

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

First 'Official' Wish This Year

What dream do you wish to explore?

MMMMM…the first official Wishcasting Wish of the New Year…and it is something that has been brewing in my brain for awhile now…Jamie is SO good…as always…

What dream? Wow. Last year was about bringing so many dreams to fruition…even if I didn’t ‘dream big’ more than just pray with eyes closed and teeth clenched that things would happen…they did happen…all sorts of things…

What dream? I have several at the tip of my tongue. But which is the big one, right now?

Completing my NaNoWriMo manuscript. It sucks to say that during the month of November this book that I have had in my head for so long shifted, and then shifted again, and shifted yet again. Always the same book. Always the same …material…just different directions of going with it….

Plus, my boyfriend R is not going to let me rest on my laurels—whatever they are at this point. He is determined to tease, cajole, annoy and/or bully me if necessary to get me to finish this novel…I told him he could…he’s very serious about helping me pursue my dreams, in spite of myself.

Other dreams I have been pondering today are of course my drawing…which has been on hold for too long…and too many of my drawings were destroyed during the break-in at the old house last November. I am not so upset I don’t think I can regain the ground I have lost…I am merely upset that some of my favorite drawings were among the lost…
Now, with the new house, and an email from an old friend giving me access to a local venue to display my arts and wares if I so desire, and plenty of room to work and maneuver…my desire to make soaps and candles is back…after we are more settled into the house…
{unpacking is going well…during the last week of December when R was skiing in CO, it was easier to say we were staying at his house at night for the sake of the dogs…but if that were true I’d have been able to make the switch easily and would have been sleeping at my house last night…or the night before….that just hasn’t happened…nor does it look as if it will…until the week-end comes and my son requires it anyway, lol}
But the one thing that actually piqued my interest during the move and the transition and everything else were my dolls…those Journey Spirit Dolls I had made…the way these dolls spoke up and worked their Magic on my heart and opened up doors I had no idea were there, much less that they needed to be opened…dolls are high on the list again…I have a set of keys ready for painting…I know where my clays are—and I can get to them—so it is only a matter of time before I settle down and set myself to real work again.

So, to clarify, after my transgressions through the babble speak here, I wish to explore my writing more in-depth. I wish to explore my creative side more fully and more openly. I wish to act without fear as I do this. Blessed be.