First of all, I totally stold this idea, the 'fearless true love' here from Mother Henna.
Long ago she did a post about 49 wishes--and I had saved the post--and have since lost it--since last night when I used it as inspiration no less!
Anyway--this is my dream board--vision board--this is my work for this month. Next month I will have poster board--and more magazines--and more everything--but since there is no way for me to get poster board until probably next weekend I decided why not just use my art notebook as a place to ground things now--and go forward when I have everything around me that I need --or at least enough to move......
I had most of the supplies gathered before I actually sat down to work this up--when I had done the creative catalyst 1 I had these bits ready to do the next piece after the faces dried....and of course, once the faces dried I left things waiting for the next--prompt--or whatever--to take me over. Or present itself. Or whatever.
I was purging old emails from my mail client last night. And I love Mother Henna, and her artwork, so while I would be on a call with a client I would wander through Mother Henna's artwork--when I found that beautiful coffee cup in the 49 wishes post--and then of course once I was off the call I read the post as well.
Ever since I stumbled upon dream boards and vision boards and full moon dreamers I had been trying to decide what to do to create something for my own. The process sounds so much like SoulCollage work that it made me want to drag out my SoulCollage cards--and re-think what each means to me--and in truth it is about time for me to do that again anyway--not to mention it brought out to the fore-front I still haven't turned them into a 'regular-sized' deck of cards for more easy handling--which I truly do need to do--so I put it on my need to do list.
Anyway, every dream or idea or thought I have I kept asking myself to dig deeper and to go deeper and to get to the real bottom and to the real truth beneath everything. From work to home to friends to children to ex's to food to gardens to knitting to camping to wishes for those around me me--it all kept coming back and back and back, in one form or another, to love. Just love. So I kept asking myself what was holding me back--most of the time it actually is fear. Every time I sit down to write anything, for blog or publication or just for me--a novel, a collection, whatever--I am hampered by the fact at any minute the ex could rear up and use everything against me in a court of law. Which is why I force myself to post alot more of my writing here this year, rather than restricting it to my writing blogs. I am not free from his censorious little voice in the back of my head--but I am improving. I am trying to be more visible all around--and to be so fearlessly.
hence--I took the words right off of Mother Henna's wish--fearless true love--because in the end everything I wanted boiled down to those very simple three words.
The yellow in the heart shows up way better in the pictures than it does on the paper.
Otherwise--again with the simplicity of the piece, it is me--and it is honestly to my core what I am wishing for and wanting and dreaming of every moment --in every area of my life.
Here I set it out into the Universe and I set it free, because next full moon I will come back even more powerful--and even more specific. Here me roar. :-)