But I don't really know what to DO with a bird.
Crick usually sits on my shoulder. She's getting better at flying, since i am afraid to clip her wings. She will fly from her cage in the living room back to me in the bedroom (where the computer and I hide) --she still can't fly well--and her turns leave alot to be desired. I hear her coming and try to help sort of catch her in the air--or be a tree limb that moves under her so she doesn't have to put forth as much effort in the slight turn and land procedure.
I know she likes to sit on my arm when I hand-wash dishes. She likes to drink tea-and whatever else anyone is drinking. She likes to sit on the keyboard and attack me when I come near it to type. She likes to pick on the dog through the cage bars. She has a very very weird thing for the shower curtain--it fascinates her to no end--I've seen her stroke and preen the darn thing.
The other day, I was in the bathroom, putting things away. I decided to wash my hands--and the bird went kinda nutty. She jumped into the sink. I was worried about her-so I immediately turned off the water. Which made her squawk angrily at me. I turned the water back on. The bird--took a shower. I yelled for E to grab the camera since I didn't want to leave the bird unattended in the sink--and it took her awhile--she tends to need to take pics of other things--like say the floor or her big toe or up her own nose--before she hands me the camera.
So here are the pictures of the bird taking a shower--and very happy doing so.
Weird weird bird.
BTW-I think her love affair w R is waning. She still loves and adores him-she is simply not so fully focused and attentive to him anymore. Worse, her affections seem to be divided--between him--and me. :-)