There is nothing better when you are not feeling up to par than to have someone give you some good feed-back. It doesn't even have to be amazing feed-back--just something positive in any respect does wonders.
When I checked my email this morning, there was a comment awaiting moderation for this blog, from Pamela. I could have cried it was so sweet--and the timing was so perfect.
Yes, I am a mess to let something like this make me cry--but some days just that little nudge is enough. The cry was a good thing--really.
Now, my real issue all day has been trying to decide to whom to give this award.
See, I would have given it to Tabitha--and not just because of her cool name--but because I love to read her blog and see real inspiration at work.
I also would have given it to Sarah--and not just because I go to her blog to feed the fish and wish I could draw like that. :-)
Then I sat and thought--do we give these things to the 'bigger blogs' out there--
like Leah or Leonie or Jamie.
I'd actually like to give it to Pamela too, because I love her blog--and she has encouraged me to submit poetry and all sorts of things--and I get great ideas from her blog--and swipe as much as I can -- like Poetry Play Thursday.
I want to give it to people who need that little pick me up--and who really tickle my funny bone alot and get me going and get me inspired and moving. I spent all day pondering the blogs I return to again and again, small ones not everyone hears of, people I adore even if they have no clue who I am.
There are a couple people I'd like to give this to, from me personally, who don't have blogs. You three know who you are--I'll throw some lemons at ya to make sure you know it is you too. :-)
A Lemonade Award is given to bloggers that show a positive attitude, gratitude,and a willingness to share their ideas, support and online friendship. In other words, people who make lemonade when they get lemons!
Here are the rules for the award:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 7 blogs that show great Gratitude and/or Attitude.
3. Be sure to list and link your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they have received this award by leaving a comment on their blog.
The following 7 blogs have blessed me and helped me in my journey and I would love to thank them for it.
(Yes--I cut and pasted straight from Pamela's blog--you bet i did. :-) )
1. Tinkerbell the Bipolar Fairy @ Tinkerbell's Tea Party
Come on-just her name is inspiring in and of itself--and her art is gorgeous.
2.Kerry Vincent @ Creative Kaleidoscope
Kerry has always made me smile-and she writes amazing stuff-and everything she touches is gorgeous.
3. Senua @ The Lost Garden of Senua
Senua is an incredible writer-as is her daughter-not to mention she has the most interesting family. :-)
4. Anita Marie @ Anita's Owl Creek Bridge
There is just not enough to be said about AM's writing.....other than always highly--entertaining.
5. Genece @ Shibui Studio Fine Art
Her work is just beautiful. And she lives close to me too!
6. Eileen @ Little Acorn Learning
I have followed her blog for a long time and I always find great peace --and smiles galore-- there.
7. Gail Ragsdale @ Art By Gail
I am always this close to buying something with one of her horses on it....some days I just go visit her blog and stare in wonder--wishing I could ride....
There are so many more people I'd like to acknowledge. I am just grateful Pamela thought enough of me to award me one. Thank you.